One-page action plan

This one-pager is designed to gain buy-in before executing the communications plan. Remember to check if there’s a cost related to an activity, this could influence communication and content strategy.

Business objectives

What business objectives are you supporting with this communication activity?

Target audience

For that business objective who is the audience you need to consider and influence?
Primary audience objective, Influencer 1 objective, Influencer 2 objective.

Communication objective

For your selected business objective what do you want your target audience to DO, THINK, REMEMBER, TELL?
 Primary audience objective, Influencer 1 objective, Influencer 2 objective.

Activity Channel Owner and timeline Metric
What activity? What is the best channel for your objective? Who is responsible for this activity? What is the target end date for this activity? How will we measure the success of the activity and link it to the objective? In what timeframe?

Communication execution tips


Choose the channel based on what you’re trying to achieve